Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Unstraight lines

There is a fine fine line...
when this line is crossed, there are consequences.

this must be kept in the back of our minds as we live out our lives.
as what we say, what we do, or what we not say can cause pain and anger to others,
even those we care about.

This seems to have been forgoten of late, and once the lines are drawn in the
sand simply to be crossed, its those we care about that will suffer.

And i for one hope the suffering comes, as i believe there
are some of us that deserve the pain.


JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

And who right now deserves this pain...?

And who are you to judge whether who DESERVES it? That kind of power my friend, is not up to you to decide, only to the winds of fate

Raging Bull said...

i grazed my shin on a cherry blossom tree...

Raging Bull said...

i may have deserved that for not wearing trousers...

heeyeol said...

AMEN to that!!!!! praise the preaching godfather!

Anonymous said...

society judges. you would have to be out of ur mind to despute that.
there other several other issues at play.
although interesting you would be in defence

Anonymous said...

sounds like a 5 years old kid.

Pannis McMannis said...

Yes there is a fine line... Whether you waver or not, it's up to you.

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

Who decides that you represent the entirety of the society?

Who has the right to deem someone "guilty and deserving" of pain?

Such things are not to be decided by us, only a few select commitee's dedicated to seeing things from all angles I believe

Natasha Lim said...

some people just never learn how to shut up.

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

Are you referring to me? :(

Anonymous said...

Yes she is idiot