Thursday, April 17, 2008

Allow me to impress upon you the severe mistake you have made. For years my conduct has been largely benign. And yet, without provocation, you have severed our détente and forced me to unleash upon you the vengeful flames of a thousand suns. You shall curse your mothers for the day of your birth. For, go now, go, and begin your life of fear, knowing that when you least expect it, the looming sword of Damocles will crash down upon you, cleaving you in twain and as you gaze upon the smoking wreckage that was once your life, you will regret the day you crossed me

the humiliation I suffered that day will not go unpunished! My pain is the bubbling cauldron of molten steel that will forge the saber of your demise! I SHALL NOT BE DENIED MY VEGEANCE


andychoi said...

"This post is likeable"
You're a fucking joke. lol

PS : oh man, I can't stop laughing at this for some reason. The irony! Lolol oh man lol

Natasha Lim said...

the spammer loves you more than we do LOL

Pannis McMannis said...

it's an automated message

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

You didn't write that did you?

Raging Bull said...

hmm, its possible... only angry emos are capable of something like this...

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

Well...judging from what I know of Vinnie's vocabulary... -_-;;