Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Going through the motions

uni, study, life in general.
we know were supposed to do it.
we know its in our best interests to do so.

then why is it that we don't? why is it we choose not to? why is it we cant?

and what are we supposed to do then?
drop out? give up?
was it just not made for us?

its what you wanted, but also what you don't want... all at the same time....
damn confusing world.

so we continue on.
half arsed.
not caring enough to do well, but caring enough not to give up.
wasting our time.


Anonymous said...

Aw man, exactly how I feel at the moment too :(

Bah humbug.


Frankly, I think it is dangerous to walk a path half hearted and not fully aware.

Although I am trying not to make excuses for my Uni-drop out (it may sound like I am though lol), this is exactly the reason why I dropped outta Uni. I felt half hearted because I did not know what I wanted or where to go with it.

Of course I knew that degrees are not what defines people (because life just offers so much options) ages ago I only knew that in my head and not my heart. I mean, I always had known what I wanted but was too afraid to show it because I knew that it didnt involve the varsity. But nowadays eversince I dropped uni and took up what I had really wanted to do, I feel refreshed and alive. It's like everyday I really feel thankful for my decision. Of course, it takes courage to really pursue what you really want, and although I am not encouraging you to drop outta uni, I advise you to take time searching for what you truly want in life, and just go after it. You won't regret the decision, trust me.

Sorry for that essay of a comment lol I got carried away I guess...