Sunday, August 26, 2007


(for non mac users, Boot Camp has been released, meaning you can run both OS X and XP and/ or Vista on a mac)

It seems that quite a few yuppie Mac users are upset that the typical Mac is changing so much. First it was the changing of the kernel from Mac proprietary to Unix based. Then it was the switch to Intel processors. Now its the ability to dual boot with Windows or any other PC based OS.

I guess all the hard core Mac users are losing their key points of argument as to why the Mac is better then a PC.

I use Unix, Windows and Mac. Truth be told they all have specific things they are really good for but none of them is perfect for every task. Sometimes you just need a PC for running development tools, Unix for web services, Mac for graphic design. Being able to duel boot a Mac with another OS is an awesome idea.

Its annoying to see all these Mac users whine so much. "How can apple do this to us? Haven't we been mindlessly obedient enough?"

Here's a clue. The ability to dual boot Mac hardware with multiple OS's is not for the typical Mac user. (No, Steve Jobs does not actually love you.) Believe it or not, its for Windows users. If we can dual boot on the same hardware and not have to buy a two separate systems, that saves consumers money. While at the same time putting money in Apple's pocket.
Its a good marketing strategy as well. True it was a gamble but it has definitely paid off. Apple needs to stay in business somehow and its ironic that Windows users will be the ones keeping them there.

Don't get me wrong though. I have nothing against Macs or people who use them as they sole OS. Some Mac users really are just ignorant though. Windows users are too but Mac users tend to stand out more.

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