Saturday, September 15, 2007

Those who know better...

it seems today... that some people around me seems to no everything about everything about everything.

Now-i find this funny, because i know for a fact these people cannot know about everything that they talk about... which means most of them are bull shitting their way through at least 60% of their conversations.

i can tell this because whenever they come across a topic that i do know something about- which they don't know- they critisise, or build on points that are not actually part of the topic, mearly appear to be.

its both annoying, insulting, and just rather shame full, to walk into a room and hear an argument, about something that neither the prosecutor or defender know anything about.

piece of advise, if you do not no everything about a topic-stop talking when you arnt sure... instead of assuming you know what you are talking about... BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT.

which is funny because i think of some of these people as quit smart.....
maybe they are not what they seem after all.


Natasha Lim said...

50 points for mr vincent. clap clap.

Pannis McMannis said...

no way.... can't be me.... hahahaha

Random in the corner said...

lol-im not say who these pple are... i trust that they

Random in the corner said...
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JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...


Oh noes!!

/slash wrist

andychoi said...

In my defence, 100% of the time, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Plz don't hate me :(

Raging Bull said...

I'm the strong silent type...