Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Its funny. Looking over this blog, with all the angels and holy figures... you would assume that id be considered a good religious person...

actions speak louder than words, the question is what they are saying.
its as though our actions betray us.
they give is away.

they give an indication of who we are, what we believe in, what we aim for, and what we have done.


makes you think about how you present yourself, how you perceive yourself.
reminds us as to who we are.
a blessing or a curse.


JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

So are you a curse or a blessing among us?

I think I'm a shade of gray...

Anonymous said...

The background seem more like a 1% away from being "hentai" in my opinion! Its HOTZ!

andychoi said...

Sadly, I kinda agree with the poster above..

andychoi said...

Well... not quite the "HOTZ!" part to the full extent but yea....

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...
